Saturday, October 10, 2009

Progress Painting

I am working on a series of shoe/dress paintings for next week but continuing to do some personal work as well. These are some progress pics of a painting that I was working on for a juried competition. Somehow, I thought the deadline was not until the following Friday (turns out it was yesterday) and so even though I worked through the night, I was unable to get this one completed. Regardless, I should have it completed by this weekend and can use it for something else (I hope!). The theme was Ontario based and I wanted it to have a fall feeling as well...

Happy Long Thanksgiving weekend to all the Canucks!

xoxo with love.

4 Charming Replies:

Michelle Eaton said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the lovely comment.

Your art work is wonderful :)

Cheryl Lynn said...

Wow. This is lovely. I love the colors, very Autumn-y. Your style is really eclectic.

Have a great afternoon.

Kaili Ittensohn said...

Good on you Charmaine. I know what its like to be pushed for time to create, but this looks like it will be a fantastic painting that you will inevitably be able to show elsewhere. I look forward to seeing it finished!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

This is just wonderful and FABU!!! I love it! Thanks for the birthday wishes my sister. I have been so busy and it's a good thing. Please forgive me for not getting back to you sooner. With all that is going on I have a wonderful full plate he he he! Sending you hugs and best wishes!