Friday, August 28, 2009

Back to Reality!

I've had a few days to basically just paint and work on pieces for my upcoming shows and not have to worry about rushing off to the restaurant every evening. But that all comes to a screeching halt this afternoon as I must return to work.

On a brighter note, the Incentive Works convention was an amazing opportunity for me to network, meet new people and really introduce a whole new group of individuals to my art! It was incredibly rewarding and I cannot thank the organizers at Tourism Toronto enough for including me in the event. Hopefully, some actual work will pan out for me through the contacts that I made. Here are a few pics from the show...I was painting live on the spot! The photos aren't wonderful but once I get better ones, will post those too. I've also posted the finished photo of the Girl with the Porcelain Mask.

Have a great weekend everyone.
xoxo with love .

6 Charming Replies:

Kolleen said...

i love your pictures and your gorgeous painting. it looked like a neat did you like painting on the spot??

i also wanted to thank you for your kind words and encouragement on my blog the other day. it meant so much today. this little community can do amazing things for our uplifting to have complete strangers show such compassion and understanding.

happy happy weekend to you! xoxox

Art Fan Ako said...


Kaili Ittensohn said...

The convention looks like it was fun! I dont know if I could have painted live in front of everyone though, I find it so nerve racking, but you look like a pro. Have a nice weekend!

Kaili Ittensohn said...

Thanks lovely! Im still a bit confused. Did you get the update from the new blog or old blog? And did you have to update your follower link or did it just happen automatically? Sorry to bother you and take up your space! Im trying to figure out if I need to start from scratch with the followers widget.

Cheryl Lynn said...

Wow, congrats, congrats, congrats! Sounds like a wonderful experience indeed, and a good venue for showcasing your amazing talent. I love that painting, it is captivating.

Hope you get more work than you can handle, sweetie.

Have a great week.

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Oh girly!!! First of all you look so wonderful and happy!!! which of course makes me happy!!!! I love your postings! They are beautiful and I see that you are hard at work and I am so very proud of you!!! You are really working it out and doing what you got to do. I know that many people are going to buy your beautiful work. Keep you head up. I will be in contact with you soon. Just getting miss thing settled in school and finishing some projects okay. I will be in touch. know this, you are in my thoughts and prayers.