Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I'm Back!

OK, so I realize that it's been ages since I've blogged but to be honest, I have had a lot going on. With getting sick and working like crazy and not enough hours in the day to do everything that I need (and want to), it's been high stress for me! I really wonder how some artists are able to blog on a daily basis. Never mind my twitter account...i think I forgot the password, it's been that long. I still have to update my actual site and stay focused on new work. And with issues with a temper mental computer, camera, scanner and printer, doesn't really make my job any easier!

That said, I will update ETSY with all new prints this week and then download new photos of paintings.

Finally saw the MJ movie this weekend and all I can say is...WOW! He truly was the King of Pop and he will be missed by millions around the globe.

Here is an 8 x 10 canvas piece that I did for this Little Art Show, here in Toronto on November the 14th.

xoxo With Love

5 Charming Replies:

Kolleen said...

yea...glad you are back!! you have been missed!
love this piece...very, very cool! i am taking my 9 and 6 year old daughters to that movie tomorrow...have heard so much good about it! i'm excited!!!
question for you...do you make your own prints or have them done for you? i am struggling with a professional way to get that done!!
hope you are treating yourself well!

Diwakar Sinha said...

I like the canvas picture...
someday I hope to do that too..

Cheryl Lynn said...

That is a great painting! I'm still struggling with finding the time to bring the ideas out of my head and into reality:o)

I'm glad you're back. I saw the MJ movie last weekend and it was fantastic. He will surely be missed.

Have a great week ahead, my loverly!

Janine said...

Dear Charmaine, I have been away myselfe. Sometimes it is too much to do and too little time. I like your latest paintings especially the lil´crocosile.
What a nice pet ;0)
Have a great weekend

D Hawk said...

I really love this, this is very beautiful! I hear you on being too busy to blog! I've been working like crazy as well, trying to finish up the illustrations for the children book "LJ and the Dreammaker" I will let you know when its published and you can check it out on Lulu.com! I have yet to see the MJ movie! I'm hearing from a lot of people that it is a very good movie! So I must see it!